Matt W. Kane

Excuse me, your life is waiting

Excuse me, your life is waiting. The astonishing power of feelings.

Lynn Grabhorn—2000.

Chapter 1: how we got in this mess.

  • The greatest obstacle to living our potential comes from toddler days when we were trained to look for what’s wrong—with everything!
  • Way back in the 30s a couple of guys in the Orient were attempting to prove that thoughts were real things, and that different kinds of thoughts create different kinds of vibrations. So they decided to see if they could actually photograph vibrations of thoughts. And by golly they did, right through steel walls, an experiment that’s been deprecated many times since. But they also prove something else perhaps even more important. They found that the more a motion in the finger/sender charged his thoughts with, the clearer picture turned out to be.
  • These fellas were possibly the first to prove that there is a magnetic energy attached to our thoughts, and that the thought is propelled by our emotions. What they missed though, is that because the vibrational waves (emotions) we send out our magnetically charged, we are literally a walking magnets, constantly pulling back into our world anything that just happens to be playing on the same frequency or wavelength.
  • So once again: are feelings go out from us in electromagnetic waves. Whatever frequency goes out will automatically attract its identical frequency, thus causing things to happen— good or bad—by finding their matching vibrations.
  • Regardless of how they are initiated, the events that make up our lives come solely from our moment to moment, day today, year-to-year outflow of feelings.
  • We get what we focus on. Focus on the lack of what we want, we are guaranteed to get more of it because, through matching vibrations, we magnetize it in. Law of attraction, pure and simple.
  • Here are the four steps to deliberate creation, the four steps that are guaranteed—that’s right, guaranteed to bring it into your life whatever is your passion and much more.
    • Step one: identify what you don’t want.
    • Step two: from that, identify at what you do want.
    • Step three: get into the feeling place of what you want.
    • Step four: expect, listen, and allow it to happen.
  • The real reality is we have come here to thrive, and prosper, and live this grand human experience in lighthearted joy, not in struggle and pain. We have come here to have fun while we learn, to grow without suffering, and to harvest our desires in that the absolute knowledge that we can have it all once we learn how to handle our energies, meaning, our emotions.

Chapter 2: are magic genie.

  • Boil all the fancy techniques down to one simple remedy for creating an abundant and fulfilling life: learn to identify a good feeling from a bad feeling.
  • On the other hand, we feel good when we think thoughts that have to do with joy such as appreciation, the light, pleasure, exhilaration, enthusiasm, reverence, gratitude, love all those warm fuzzy feelings be relish.
  • As self-serving as it may sound, we came here to this blessed planet with only one in 10: to find ways to feel good most of the time, not just some of the time.
  • So now if we stay on that off course path, disallowing our own joy, demanding altruism of ourselves, depriving ourselves from our original intent, we’ve joined the multitudes righteously following their hated low-frequency “shoulds” instead of their high-frequency joys. Needless to say, the results of that kind of relentless energy flow on this planet have not been pretty.
  • You’re focusing on the lack of your car rather than the joy of having.
  • That downer feeling is a red flags, your clue that the way you are flowing your energy, thinking and feeling about it, is guaranteed to keep your car away. So now all you have to do is change the way you think and feel about your car, and it’s yours.
  • Using the four steps with the example of getting your car.
    • One: you identify what you don’t. (You don’t want any more of not having the red car.)
    • Two: identify what you do want— the red car.
    • Three: you get into the feeling place of what you want.
    • Four: you expect, listen and allow it to happen.
  • Now, instead of wishing our yearning for the car when we see it or think about it—which only makes you feel lousy anyhow–appreciating that little sweetie.
  • If on the other hand, you allow yourself to be turned on by thinking about your dream car, and insist to yourself that things are now in the process of turning around—the mother what you may see in front of you to the contrary— then those positive thoughts will ultimately magnetize your desires. They must, it’s the physics of the universe.
  • Did they have guns in school, and gang rapes, and buildings being blown down and serial arsonists in 1865? No, because they didn’t have the media to create the focus to cause the vibrations to bring it to the mass media. Instead, they had newspapers and posters about their train robbers and bank robbers, so what they got more of was train robberies and bank robberies.
  • The critical point to remember here is that the more we think about anything, whether it’s something we want in our lives or something we don’t want, the faster we are going to magnetize it into our experience. That in a nutshell, is the universal law of attraction: that which is onto itself is drawn.

Chapter 3: no, no, not that. (Step one.)

  • If you don’t want–real bad–to have your new car nicked, you are in a shoo-in to attract a matching vibration called “jerk in parking lot”.
  • Whatever you include in your vibration for 16 seconds or longer is on its way to you, whether you like it or not. So when you are talking about all the things you don’t want, and flowing out only 16 seconds of feeling each time you talk about one of them, that thing has now become part of you, part of your everyday vibration. Pretty soon you’re living it… Not liking it at all… Vibrating it… Talking about it… Complaining about it… Still doing over it and making it even stronger to match your daily vibration than it was in the first place.
  • Two things are certain: 1) think long enough about something you don’t want, and either you’re going to attract it, which going to attract you, and 2) think about a don’t want with any amount of feeling behind it, and you will automatically attract other lousy happenings of similar frequency.
  • Don’t wants mean we are out of sync. As you look at something and say “I don’t want this,” two things happen. First, there is no way that don’t want them possibly go away, because we are holding it in our vibration by our very attention to it. And second, we feel bad, down, low, nothing at all or any other kind of feeling that is anything but happiness.
  • Think about it. Every negative emotion we have ever had, the mother how meek or well hidden, as come from the lack of what we really wanted. Take blame, for instance. We blame someone or something for giving us what we don’t want, which is only the lack of whatever it is we do want.
  • Universal don’t wants are worldwide dislikes, things no one on the planet wants to be a part of.
  • Personal don’t wants are simply the mildly unpleasant things of life that bothers only us, not always others.
  • The trick to fly up into the wonderful world of good feelings requires nothing more than starting to think about wants instead of don’t wants.
  • If what you’re saying or thinking makes you feel like sailing to the heavens in sheer delight, you are into a want—green flag. If it feels as if you just stepped into a soggy dark cloud, you’re in a don’t want—red flag. In fact, if it gives you any sort of feeling other than warm fuzzies, you have a don’t want working. Just rethink, rephrase, refocus and re-feel until you found a way to snuggle into your warm fuzzy want and are vibrating there safe and sound.
    • Here’s a good example: say to yourself “I want to be happy.” Sure, you’re saying want, but you are coming from the lack of what you desire. So when you say that, how does it make you feel? Instead you should be saying “I want the happiness I have now in my life to expand into ongoing, boundless joy.”
  • Maybe, the generator of thought rather than receiver.

Chapter 4: yes yes! That, that and that! (Step two).

  • Oddly enough, what gives us happiness is the very thing we think we would like to avoid—contrast.
  • So if choices, lots and lots of choices offering us not only the opportunities to live and enjoy what ever in this bounty for world we desire, but also to find out just how much torture and deprivation we are willing to put ourselves through before permitting those desires into our lives.
  • There are three basic kinds of wants, each with its own purpose in our own that dream file.
    • Real wants. Real wants that come from the ‘don’t wants’. Just turn the page of a don’t want and there’s your real want on the other side.
    • Negative wants. The ones that have to be slipped over before you can step out of them. “I want to be rich” presents the same difficulty. If you’re overweight and want to be thin, and you say innocently enough “I want to be thin,” that’s a negative want and will never, ever feel like a warm fuzzy. It’s coming from longing, or yearning or empty wishing all negative energies. It’s coming out of need, which is fear, not out of desire which is excitement.
    • Rightful wants. We have a right to our desires, the mother what are religions may say on the contrary.
  • The dilemma comes from our thinking that the burden of acquiring what we want is all on us, that we are the ones who will have to figure out how to get it, how to come up with the money for, how to arrange for it, how to make it happen.
  • We already know that the trick to turning a don’t want into a want is to find ways to feel splendid about that want instead of discouraged.
  • Once you know what you want, you must feel the feeling place of having that want, while at the same time staying out of the feeling place of not having.
  • In other words, feel jazzed about what it would be like to swim, if you don’t know how, rather than feeling embarrassed when everyone runs into the water but you.
  • One of the best ways to do that is to talk about the “whys” of wanting something. The what finds, but it is the why that charge your battery and start the juices running.
  • It’s like asking a guy who’s bonkers about eating steaks bloody rare why he likes them that way. He’ll tilt his head back, close his eyes and drifted into Lala land as he describes the tastes, savors the juices, caresses the texture and withers under the heady bouquet. That’s big time feeling and big-time vibrating, all from a single little question, why.
  • Ask yourself over and over why you want something, and keep asking, and keep asking, even when you think you have no more answers. Then pretty soon you’ll be in dreamland feeling outstanding, just where you need to be to magnetize this thing.
  • Don’t forget, the universe gives us not what we speak, or what we deserve, or what we supposedly are destined to have. The universe gives us precisely—and only—what we are vibrating in every moment of every day.
  • With major, larger wants, if you will turn every want into a statement of intent, and allow yourself to feel the power behind it, like yes!, You’ll be amazed at what transpires.
  • The point is to get over the stigma of wanting, and do it. There to want whatever in this whole wide world will give you pleasure, for wanting is taking charge. Wanting is creativity wanting, and manifesting those wants into reality—is fulfilling your reason for being. And therein lies the true richness of life.

Chapter 5: conditions be damned!

  • The challenge is to take our focus off the object of our anxieties or irritations, and find the happier feeling of what we want in its place. In other words, we need to stop fixing, and start feeling good.
  • There’s only one way to stop the messes in our lives from getting worse: stop focusing on them.
  • Nothing affects our experience except how we flow our energy. Nothing!
  • So, from this moment on, never ever accept reality as something to which you must resign in yourself.
  • You don’t have to change it; you just have to stop focusing on it!
  • Is it tough? Yes! Can it be done? You bet! But you have to start someplace, and not someplace is a decision that, somehow, you’re going to change your focus.
  • Just remember, the most important part to changing an unwanted condition is simply: you don’t have to change it, you just have to stop thinking about it! All it takes is that willingness to jump.
  • Trick.#1. Switch focus. Now!
    • The moment you recognize your focusing on the condition with your worry motor running (or ticked off the motor, or blame motor etc.), find something else, anything else to think about that will get you into feeling even a tiny bit better than you do at the present. And find it right now!
    • Once you make the feeling switch, then start talking out loud about what it is you want, that’s want, not don’t want, in place of your unwanted condition.
  • Trick #2. Tender talk it out. Now!
  • Trick #3. Tough talk it out, now!
    • This is tough love kind of talk, out loud, to yourself, one-on-one. But here’s the trick: you need to get tough, not down on yourself. Though you ever, ever, ever, ever, get down on yourself when you find you’re focusing on an unwanted condition. What you are after here is Stern, horse sense reasoning where you firmly point out to yourself that will transpire if you continue to focus on-and stew over-condition. Then you tell yourself quite matter-of-factly what will happen when you remove your focus and change your vibration.
  • Trick #4. Do something fun. Now!
  • Just remember, power fast your want comes is directly related to how fast and how permanently you can switch your focus off what is keeping you in a negative vibration, and on where you want to go.
  • Insist to yourself that you will do whatever you can to find and maintain any amount of good feeling energy.
  • Remember that needing something to change will always flow negative energy and hold it to you. Finding a way to become excited about it will be changing into will flow of positive energy and get the desired revisions started.

Chapter 6: ye gads, I’m feeling! (Step three.)

  • There are three basic ways to start feeling good, and we’ve already talked about two of them. One is to look for, I think about, anything that gives you pleasure. The second is to talk yourself into you bring about a change of vibration. The third, which will explore now, is called “buzzing,” which gives you a right now change in vibration.
  • I found the best way to get a buzz started was by doing something physical that would jumpstart me into a nice feeling. So, lacking cables, I used a smile!
  • The replacement feeling.
    • You jumpstart with a facial smile as warm and tender as possible.
    • Right away, and with your physical smile still going, you reach down inside and pump up the tender feelings coming from that smile until it becomes melted butter, the warm fuzzy gentle inner smile.
    • Once you have got the gentle inner smile going, you replace that warm fuzzy with a special flavor of your own choice such as affection, or enthusiasm.
    • Optional. If you want to, this is a good time in this high-energy twofold in a specific want/intent.
  • There are only three states of being we run around in all day.
    • The victim mode: this is the oh dear they are doing it to me again and there’s nothing I can do about it frame of mind.
    • Flat lining mode: neither down nor up, just bumping along on second-rate gas.
    • Turn on mode: your high frequencies are no longer attracting the negative vibes of others.
  • The vibration of appreciation is the most profound and important frequency we can hold, for it is the closest thing to cosmic love that exists.
  • That’s my “hug a bum” game where I envision me and the perfect stranger and the street rushing into each other’s arms like we were old best friends who hadn’t seen each other for years.

Chapter 7: the force is with you. (Step four.)

  • It would seem, that the logical approach to getting where you want to go, or making things happen the way it we’d like them to happen, is to operate off a guided inspiration instead of the negative vibrations of self-conscious stress. How do we do that? Where do we start? How about we stop whacking?
  • Well, first comes the inspiration, the ideas. Then, after flowing goodly amounts of feel-good energy to one or more of those great new ideas, you start to act on them, yes, your actions now will become as inspired as your idea.
  • Instruction books always accompany inspiration.
  • Now you’ve entered the uncanny world of synchronicity, your plug-in, connected to your source energy, going with the flow. We’ll never see it, or learn to trust it, if you’re not watching for it.
  • Step four: expect it, listen and allow the universe to bring it.
  • Translated that means no more pounding something into place to make it happen. It means we tune in and listen to our guidance.
  • The deliberate flowing of positive energy is so foreign to us, it often seems to be an impossible task, while the resistant feelings we are so accustomed to, and therefore never notice-continue to dominate our day. That’s when it’s time to let it be okay-let it be okay-that your want hasn’t shown up yet. You know that it will, but it’s perfectly normal that it hasn’t… Yet
  • The moment you become aware that you are feeling a little shaky or off-base, ask yourself: what’s been bothering me? And keep at it until an answer comes. It will. As you discuss it with yourself, whatever it is that has been uncovered to cause those unpleasant old feelings to reemerge will show itself in the form of an old belief.
  • Passion is creation!
  • Passion comes from the excitement of having something in the making.
  • Passion is a strong inner knowing. It’s a quiet sureness that life no longer has you by the earlobes, and that the Tiger your holding by the tail is actually you.
  • You want more passion? Then follow your joy! Go smell more roses, watch more sunsets, find more grass to walk barefoot on, visit more favorite restaurants, laugh more, find more places to explore, no two more ballgames or plays, indulge in more hobbies, be more spontaneous, play more golf, listen to more music, find more places to skinny dip and have more fun.

Chapter 8: money, money, money!

  • The good news is that we don’t have to get in there and dig up all our moldy old beliefs about money to allow the abundance to flow; we only have to override them.
  • Yet money, like anything else, is nothing but energy. And attracting it, like attracting anything else, is nothing more than an energy flowing process.
  • Creating a new script is nothing more than making a grand little daydream and stepping into it emotionally. That’s the important part: you’ve got a get into your daydream emotionally or you’re just blowing hot air.
  • So if you have a hankering to travel, never mind how you’re going to get the dollars, just start chatting or writing your fantasy script and flowing feel-good energy to where you want to go, as if you are there now.
  • You’ve become so caught up in the daydream, it’s like you’re living it this very moment. You’re no longer a reactor to conditions, you have become a creator of conditions.
  • I suggested we he have each of his people pick a dollar number of what they’d like to make in the next three months, and then triple it. Check groaned and “oh God, here we go again,” but I ignored it. When I suggested that once they all have figures in their mind, Chuck should ask each one why they wanted the money, staying with one person at a time and working it through with him, because once that first guy got the routine, the rest would know how to dive right in. His pained look mellowed into “hmmm interesting”. Without getting into detail, I explained that their first response would probably be don’t wants coming from a place of lack, and that statements like: I want the money so I can pay my bills, would only get them more of the same-no money and more bills.
  • Right in the middle of his reverie. Hold it! That feeling place where you are right now is where I want you to bring each of your sales people. Tell them to forget the actual paper dollars save specified and start focusing instead on what things the dollars could bring them. Then start flowing energy towards those things until they reach the same passion you just experienced. This way you’ve got them sneaking in the feel-good backdoor. By voiding any of the negative connections usually associated with dollars, especially when they’re out of them, they’ll unconsciously allowed – to magnetize in.
  • But that wasn’t too surprising, since I had coached Chuck into doing some pre-paving. I told him how to create that initial meeting in his mind just the way he wanted it to happen, including that his people be open and willing, and to flow that kind of up energy to it. He did, and by the time everyone gathered together, they were nowhere as resistant as they might have been had check not help them along vibration really.
  • This is pre-paving, sitting at your vibrational intense ahead of you-with feeling-to arrange your day and circumstances as you desire them to be.
  • *Got a desk piled with work? On overload with details? Pre-pave the day to go with ease before you get there. See yourself breezing through the work. Speak your intent and tell the universe why you want it. Don’t you dare pick up one piece of paper until you flow buckets of positive energy to get that value of yours open, we’ll be right back in overload soup.
  • It’s about getting the staff you have into the habit of expectation by mentally and emotionally writing new corporate scripts.
  • The majority of employees don’t expect it to happen, it won’t.
  • It’s not about money, it’s about how you’re flowing your energy. The money will come when you stop looking at how much of it you don’t have. You can’t look at not enough money and feel anything but negative emotion, which disallows the flow. So find more ways to open your valve.
  • Instruction books always accompany inspiration, so forget the how to’s, they’ll appear.

Chapter 9: relationships and other treasures.

  • That being the case, it’s not going to take a genius to figure out that if we are feeling anything other than at peace with ourselves, as well as totally allowing and appreciating our partner, I rub rations are going to be slicing away at the relationship, no matter how much we are convinced that since there’s nothing wrong with us, it must be the other person’s fault.
  • And therein lies the cause of every downward spiral of any relationship that has ever went sour; the relentless— though surely innocent—attention to disagreeable conditions, the matter how meaningless they appear to be. As any small, unimportant aggravation begins to snowball into something major from our continued focus and negative energy flow toward it, will start to get more of other unpleasant things on that same wavelength, as well as in large the petty thing we’ve been grousing about. That means not only will that in finish toothpaste Never get put back on the tube, but that very irritation has the potential, with our constant negative focus, to escalate into an unwanted extramarital affair.
  • Unless we let it go, will keep getting more of it, that’s why. If we hold onto it, it’s in our vibration. (Talking about forgiveness).
  • So how do you help? The first thing to do is get into a good feeling place and get your own valve open before you do any thinking about the person. Then you can inspire, not sure, just inspire that same valve openness in the other person you’re thinking about. You are no longer attempting to paint on their campus, but you weren’t genuinely offering them paints and brushes.
  • You can only get answers when you on hokey or focus from the problem and move to a higher frequency. So love them, whether or not they were or are lovable.

Chapter 10: living the body, dying the body.

  • These days just about everybody knows that the state of one’s physical health is connected to the state of one’s mental health.
  • Illness in any form is nothing more than our negative energies choking off so much of our life flow-those higher frequencies that are our natural state-that cellular damage results.
  • Illness exists only for one reason: someone has flowed more low-frequency energy than high.
  • Norman Cousins did it, the publisher who was dying of cancer. He declared “no way I’m checking out” and decide to spend his time in the state of laughter. He knew instinctively that he could reverse the frequencies in his body, in which heal itself. So from his hospital bed he watched only funny movies, read only funny books, had friends tell him jokes, and cured himself completely of the cancer that had raked his body. Then he wrote a book about it. I have to hand it to him, this is one committed soul… And teacher.
  • Let’s pretend, part one: “what if…”
  • Let’s pretend, part two: “back then.”
  • Let’s pretend, part three: “blending together”.
  • Your body will always respond to the image you give it.
  • Just state your wants every day, right and and speak new scripts about your body, your health, your looks, your life. And pretend.

Chapter 11: your suit of well-being.

  • We are not separate from the hole! Everything we think and feel has monumental impact on the overall vibration of mass consciousness.
  • There is just no getting away from it, the overwhelming balance of power on this planet is on the side of well-being because that is the natural, omnipotent state of all that is, including you and me.

Chapter 12: 30 days to break through.

  • Our need for emotional pain to feel alive, or even for mild discomfort, is the greatest addiction ever known to mankind.
  • There are only two steps for my introductory program: remove your focus from any major thing that is currently causing serious fear (worry, concern, anxiety, stress etc. close parenthesis and keep it off!
  • Two: establish a flip switch topic for each day by finding one new item about yourself to appreciate.
  • Now this is important: stay with whatever topic of appreciation you’ve choose in for the day, the matter how absurd it might seem. In other words, don’t bounce around with your daily subject of self appreciation just because it makes you feel silly or you think you might like something better.
  • The first 10 days.
    • Keep my attention off anything that caused me to worry, which mostly pertained to finances, and
    • In its place, instantly install, flip switch to, whatever was up for me that day to appreciate.
  • Step one: identify what you don’t want.
  • Step two: identify what you do want.
  • Step three: find the feeling place of your want.
  • Step four: expect, listen and allow the universe to deliver and-(Step Four-A: keeping your blooming of focus off those blankety-blank conditions!)
  • The major don’ts.
    • Don’t take score too soon. If your Wants haven’t started to appear yet, relax. And keep your valve open.
    • Stop trying to fix anybody else, that’s a valve closing stuff. You don’t have to fix anything, you just have to stop thinking about it.
    • Stop thinking the world has to change before you can be safe or happy. You create your own safety through your energy flow.
    • Don’t take anything that happens in your life for granted, good or bad, large or small. It came into your life because you magnetized it there, so pay attention to what you’re creating.
    • Stop focusing on, responding to, or worrying about how to control conditions that haven’t changed yet. That’s only getting you more of the same.
    • Don’t try to label how you feel when you are down. Stop calling it guilt or frustration or whatever. Just know you are out of sync and find a way to get back in.
    • Stop being a wimpy want to. Want in big quality, as well as quantity! Don’t ever stop creating new ones. The ultrahigh energy you need outlets to flow to. Create them!
    • Stop thinking it can’t happen. That vibration will guarantee it won’t.
    • Don’t wait to feel good before you turn it on. Turn on all day. Make it a habit. Buzz for no reason than to keep your frequencies up, your valve open it, and your resistance down to a high frequency energy.
    • Don’t take this also seriously, that just makes for closed valves. Lineup, have fun at this and it will happen faster.
    • Don’t ever, ever, ever take uninspired action while your valve is closed, or while you’re in the middle of a problem. Get your valve open first, then listen for your guidance before acting.
    • Don’t try to find the ugly dark and nasty causes of whatever it is you think is wrong with you. Stop it! All you are doing is giving more attention to what you don’t want.
    • Don’t live for the end result, saying: I can’t feel better until it happens.
    • Don’t beat yourself up when you feel bad or have a closed valve. You only feel bad in don’t want, so congratulate yourself that you can recognize it. Until you know what you don’t want, how else will you know what you do want?
    • Stop thinking about anything that closes your valve: anything, anybody, any situation, of event, circumstance, place, movie, food, boss, seen no matter what, no matter what!
    • Stop joining bandwagons of grievances loaded with closed valve, disconnected beings. Flow energy to what you want, and affect the whole.
    • Stop talking about your illness and causing your body to generate even more. Start talking about how your body is rejuvenating, and open your valve to allow it.
    • Stop with the issues gain. Having serious issues is nothing but an excuse to stay in a negative vibration.
    • Don’t yearn. It’s just a negative awareness that you don’t have something.
    • Stop thinking that there is anything outside of you that is making, or can make, a difference.
    • Don’t be afraid to look at something you don’t want. Look at it from all angles, then charge up your wanting, or you’re intending.
    • Don’t justify your feeling with I’m right and you’re wrong, even though that may be the case. That closes your valve and plugs up the flow of higher energies to all other areas of your life. Remember, you plug up one, you plug up all.
    • Don’t regret anything, that’s exceptionally heavy negative flow.
    • Never, ever start a new project, business, venture, undertaking, activity, relationship or anything it before scripting it and flowing some excited passionate energy to it for a good long time.
  • The major do’s.
    • Allow yourself time in each day to dream, desire, imagine, and tend, want and time to flow energy to them all, flow energy to them all, flow energy to them all.
    • Whenever you’re feeling less than good, stop, we gain your balance and find a way to feel a little better, then a little better, and still a little better. Every feel better is a raise in vibration.
    • Use everything you know to flip switch out of negative focus into any kind of warm fuzzy.
    • Make more statements in every day about what you want, and why: take things, little things, and nonsensical things. The more want you have, and the more you get excited about them, the more dramatically your energy will flow.
    • Make more decisions every day, about your mood, your safety, your work, your relationships, your parking places, your shopping. As with wants, decisions summon the energy and provide outlets.
    • Ask yourself consistently, “how am I flowing my energy?” How am I flowing my energy?
    • Give more time cheer subject, and get off the fact that it hasn’t happened yet. It’s forming, it’s happening, it’s on its way. Believe it!
    • Talk tenderly to yourself every day. Out loud.
    • Watch for clues that things are happening, for concurrent events, for synchronicity.
    • Keep writing outrageous new scripts.
    • Replace your “things to do” list with a “things to feel” list.
    • Find new ways to feel a little better every day. Be creative. Be outrageous.
    • Pat yourself on the back for every perceived obstacle you’ve created. Without them, you cannot know what you want.
    • Think only about what you want, instead of the lack of it.
    • Except once and for all that you are the creator of your experience.
    • Start your day with the intent to look for positive aspects about everything and everybody. And intend to find them.
  • Just remember, the way you think is the way you feel, and the way you feel is the way you vibrate, and the way you vibrate is the way you attract.